Required Courses for the B.A. in Exercise Physiology
BIOL 100 Medical Terminology
BIOL 200 Nutrition
BIOL 250 Health and Wellness
BIOL 304 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 309 Anatomy and Physiology II
EXER 220 Data Analysis
EXER 250 Strength and Conditioning I
EXER 251 Strength and Conditioning II
EXER 270 Kinesiology and Biomechanics
EXER 300 Exercise Physiology
EXER 350 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
EXER 380 Advanced Sports Nutrition
EXER 430 Cardiometabolic Disease Prevention
EXER 460 Exercise for Special Populations
EXER 432 Principles of Fitness Management
EXER 490 Exercise Assessment
EXER 491 Exercise Prescription
EXER 499 Clinical Experience
PSYC 370 Sport Psychology
Required Courses for the B.S. in Exercise Physiology
BIOL 100 Medical Terminology
BIOL 200 Nutrition
BIOL 211 Biology I
BIOL 250 Health and Wellness
BIOL 304 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 309 Anatomy and Physiology II
CHEM 125 General Chemistry I
EXER 220 Data Analysis
EXER 250 Strength and Conditioning I
EXER 270 Kinesiology and Biomechanics
EXER 300 Exercise Physiology
EXER 350 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
EXER 490 Exercise Assessment
EXER 491 Exercise Prescription
EXER 499 Clinical Experience
MATH 150 Functions
PHYS 211 College Physics I
PSYC 201 Principles and Methods of Psychology
PSYC 230* Applied Statistics for Psychology
STAT 230* Applied Statistics
*Students must take either PSYC 230 or STAT 230
Minor in Exercise Physiology
BIOL 304 Anatomy and Physiology I
EXER 250 Strength and Conditioning I
EXER 270 Kinesiology and Biomechanics
EXER 300 Exercise Physiology
EXER 490 Exercise Assessment
EXER 491 Exercise Prescription