Michael Marsalli, Ph.D.

Professor of Mathematics
(239) 280-1606
Henkels 3069

Michael Marsalli, Ph.D.

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  • A.B., Mathematics, University of Chicago
  • Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Michigan


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  • The structure of linear functionals on spaces of operators, J. Operator Theory 17 (1987), 301 - 308.
  • A classification of operator algebras, J. Operator Theory 24(1990),155 - 163.
  • Systems of equations in the predual of a von Neumann algebra, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 111 (1991), 517-522.
  • Operator semigroups, flows and their invariant sets, J. Functional Analysis, 115 (1993), 454-479.
  • The action of a dual algebra on its predual, J. Operator Theory, 29(1993), 363-371.
  • Operator semigroups, invariant  sets and invariant subspaces, in R. Curtoand P. Jorgensen, eds., Algebraic Methods in Operator Theory, Birkhauser, Boston, 1994, (with J. Froelich)
  • Noncommutative H2 spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 125 (1997), 779-784.
  • The predual of a type I von Neumann algebra, in Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, v. 104, Birkhauser, Basel, 1998.
  • Noncommutative Hp spaces, J. Operator Theory 40 (1998), 339-355. (with G. West)
  • Toeplitz operators with noncommuting symbols, J. Integral Equations Operator Theory 32 (1998), 65-74. (with G. West)
  • The dual of noncommutative H1, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 47 (1998), 489-500. (with G. West)
  • Strong connectedness of the invertibles in a finite subdiagonal algebra, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (2000), 2967-2972. (with G. West)
  • P.J. Peverly, R.E. Wagner, G.H. Rutherford, M.Marsalli, Q. Su and R. Grobe, Photon-density waves in macroscopic and microscopic plane-parallel scattering samples, Phys. Rev. E. 65 (2001)
  • G.H. Rutherford, M.Marsalli, Q. Su and R. Grobe, An iterative approach to photon propagation in turbid media, Laser    Physics 13(2003), to appear
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